You are viewing documentation for Kubernetes version: v1.19

Kubernetes v1.19 documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Learning environment


kind lets you run Kubernetes on your local computer. This tool requires that you have Docker installed and configured.

The kind Quick Start page shows you what you need to do to get up and running with kind.


Like kind, minikube is a tool that lets you run Kubernetes locally. minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster on your personal computer (including Windows, macOS and Linux PCs) so that you can try out Kubernetes, or for daily development work.

You can follow the official Get Started! guide if your focus is on getting the tool installed.

Last modified October 12, 2020 at 10:28 PM PST: Redirect "Learning environment" to Install Tools task (a6b52520cd)